How to Give

Any donations made by December 31, 2024 will be DOUBLED!*

. Every gift helps us provide sliding scale tuition and continue our vital work of Montessori education for equity!

*A group of supporters has pledged to match all donations postmarked by December 31st or received online by 11:59pm EST

To make your tax-deductible contribution:

By check:
Send to: Sacred Heart Montessori
1739 Ferry Ave. 
Camden, New Jersey 08104
Please write “Montessori” in your check memo!

Donate by credit, debit, or Paypal via Sacred Heart's website
(scroll to the bottom and click the yellow "donate" button)
IMPORTANT: type “Montessori” in the memo box
(When you review your donation, click "Add special instructions to the seller") - this ensures that the Montessori program will receive your donation!)
Forget to add the memo? Email to let us know!

All children deserve the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. Will you partner with us to help a low-income child receive this transformative education?
We can't do it alone!

We need: 

140 partners this year

Partnership is $240/yr (or $20/month)
We gratefully welcome donations of any amount!

Please help us expand our village of support and tell your family and friends about the work we are doing!

Let's stay in touch! Sign up for our email updates & twice-a-year paper newsletters